All FSI Projects

Elder-care, Gender, and Son Preference: The Role of Cultural Transmission and Diffusion During the Process of Rural-urban Migration in China


Marcus Feldman
Project Mentor
Li Shuzhuo

A research report, “A survey of rural-urban migrants in Shenzhen, China”, based on findings from this project, was submitted to the Shenzhen government in December of 2005.  Since then, the Santa Fe Institute International Program, the Ministry of Education of China and the Treasury Department of China funded further research.  Dr. Shuzhuo received two grants, “Development of Complex Social Network Models for Application to Rural-Urban Migration and Social Integration in Contemporary China (70671083),” from the National Natural Science Foundation of China and “Study on Strategies of actively addressing the issue of population aging in Shaanxi Province,” from the Shaanxi provincial population and Family Planning Commission (12/2012-8/2013). Work stemming from this seed has also led to 11 presentations and 17 published manuscripts.


