Rosenkranz Symposium

Mark's work spans decades of global health leadership, including steering US global efforts against HIV/AIDS & the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. Much of what we now take for granted in global health came into existence through Dr. Dybul’s creative policy leadership.
Eran Bendavid
Symposium Co-Organizer with Grant Miller


RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM (Oksenberg Hall, Encina Hall East, 3rd floor)

8:30 AM - 9:05 AM: Reshmaan Hussam / The Market for Healthcare in Low Income Countries

9:05AM - 9:40 AM: Jon Denton-Schneider / Disease, Disparities, and Development: Evidence from Chagas Disease Control in Brazil

9:50 AM - 10:25 AM: Kelly Ragan / Without a Right to Abortion: How Access to the Pill Shapes Women’s Fertility

10:25 AM - 11:00 AM: Zachary Wagner / What drives poor quality of care for child diarrhea? Experimental evidence from India

11:00 AM - 11:45 PM: Zoë McLaren / Stormborn: Evaluating the Impact of Facility-Based Delivery on Health and Economic Outcomes Using a Machine Learning Approach

11:45 PM - 12:20 PM: Md Shahadath Hossain / The Lasting Effects of Early Childhood Interventions: The National Vaccination Commando Program in Burkina Faso

12:20 PM - 1:10 PM: Lunch

1:10 PM - 1:45 PM: Sebastian Calonico / The Political Economy of a Miracle Cure: The Case of Nebulized Ibuprofen and its Diffusion in Argentina

1:45 PM - 2:20 PM: Prajwol Nepal/ Evaluation of antibiotics dispensing for young children by community pharmacies in Nepal

2:20 PM - 2:55 PM: Elisa Maffioli/ Convenient Access and Invitations: Increasing COVID-19 Vaccination in Kenya

KEYNOTE EVENT (Bechtel Conference Center, Encina Hall East, 1st floor)

3:20 PM - 4:35 PM: Keynote by Mark Dybul

4:35 PM - 5:20 PM: Reception