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Grant Miller
Working Papers
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Nation Bureau of Economic Research,
Working Papers
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Center for Global Development,
Working Papers
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National Bureau of Economic Research,
Working Papers
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Working Paper,
Working Papers
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Working Papers
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National Bureau of Economic Research,
Working Papers
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Journal Articles
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American Economic Review,
Journal Articles
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Bulletin of the World Health Organization,
Working Papers
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Demography (conditionally accepted),
Journal Articles
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Health Affairs,
Working Papers
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National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER),
Working Papers
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International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences,
Journal Articles
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Population Studies (Cambridge),
Working Papers
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Stanford University,
Journal Articles
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American Economic Journal: Applied Economics,
Journal Articles
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American Economic Journal,
Journal Articles
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Bulletin of the World Health Organization,
Journal Articles
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Marketing Science,
Journal Articles
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Health Affairs,
Journal Articles
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Journal Articles
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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
Journal Articles
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Bulletin of the World Health Organization,