CHP/PCOR Quarterly Update, fall 2004 issue

CHP/PCOR Quarterly Update, fall 2004 issue

This issue of CHP/PCOR's quarterly newsletter covers news and developments from the summer 2004 quarter. It features articles about:

  • a recently published study showing that the ATHENA decision-support system to improve hypertension care was used with relatively high frequency by physicians, and was viewed as helpful in their practice
  • CHP/PCOR core faculty member Paul Wise's assertions that children's health needs in the United States are not adequately addressed by current policies and programs
  • a study by CHP/PCOR trainee Mike Ong calculating the life-saving benefits of banning smoking in all U.S. workplaces
  • ongoing international research discussed at the 6th annual meeting of the Technological Change in Health Care (TECH) Global Research Network;
  • CHP/PCOR's sixth annual retreat, held in mid-September.