Lisa Chamberlain

l chamberlain 6752

Lisa Chamberlain, MD

  • Associate Professor of Pediatrics
  • Stanford Health Policy Associate

770 Welch Road, #100
Palo Alto, CA 94304

(650) 725-8314 (voice)
(650) 498-5684 (fax)


March 2022

Adversity and Opportunity—The Pandemic’s Paradoxical Effect on Child Health and Well-being

cover link Adversity and Opportunity—The Pandemic’s Paradoxical Effect on Child Health and Well-being
Journal Articles
June 2010

Variation in Specialty Care Hospitalization for Children With Chronic Conditions in California

cover link Variation in Specialty Care Hospitalization for Children With Chronic Conditions in California
Journal Articles
February 2010

Impact of Managed Care on Publicly Insured Children with Special Health Care Needs

cover link Impact of Managed Care on Publicly Insured Children with Special Health Care Needs

In The News

Adorable Girl with T-shirt "Future Leader"

Adversity and Opportunity—The Pandemic’s Paradoxical Effect on Child Health and Well-Being

In this JAMA Pediatrics commentary, Paul Wise and Lisa Chamberlain write the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered emergency policy responses that have cut through years of muddled inaction on issues critical to child health and well-being.
cover link Adversity and Opportunity—The Pandemic’s Paradoxical Effect on Child Health and Well-Being