Grant Miller

Grant Miller headshot

Grant Miller, PhD, MPP

  • Henry J. Kaiser, Jr. Professor
  • Professor, Health Policy
  • Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
  • Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research
  • Professor, Economics (by courtesy)
  • Faculty Fellow, Stanford Center on Global Poverty and Development
  • Faculty Affiliate, Stanford Center for Latin American Studies
  • Faculty Affiliate, Woods Institute for the Environment
  • Faculty Affiliate, Interdisciplinary Program in Environment & Resources
  • Faculty Affiliate, Stanford Center on China's Economy and Institutions

Encina Commons Room 101,
615 Crothers Way,
Stanford, CA 94305-6006

(650) 723-2714 (voice)
(650) 723-1919 (fax)


As a health and development economist based at the Stanford School of Medicine, Dr. Miller's overarching focus is research and teaching aimed at developing more effective health improvement strategies for developing countries.

His agenda addresses three major interrelated themes: First, what are the major causes of population health improvement around the world and over time? His projects addressing this question are retrospective observational studies that focus both on historical health improvement and the determinants of population health in developing countries today. Second, what are the behavioral underpinnings of the major determinants of population health improvement? Policy relevance and generalizability require knowing not only which factors have contributed most to population health gains, but also why. Third, how can programs and policies use these behavioral insights to improve population health more effectively? The ultimate test of policy relevance is the ability to help formulate new strategies using these insights that are effective.


January 1900

Family Planning: Program Effects, in Irma Elo and Andrew Foster (volume eds.)

Family Planning: Program Effects, in Irma Elo and Andrew Foster (volume eds.)

In The News

African cloth

U.S. Policy on Global Aid Curtailed Family Planning Services in Africa

A new study finds that the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance policy, formerly known as the Mexico City Policy, reduced the provision and use of contraceptives, as well as community health volunteer services, in African countries.
U.S. Policy on Global Aid Curtailed Family Planning Services in Africa
Grant Miller charcoal baking site in Brazil

Stanford Researchers Investigate Human Trafficking Alongside Brazilian Partners in the Amazon Rainforest

An estimated 1 million people are held in conditions of modern slavery in Brazil today. Members of the Stanford Human Trafficking Data Lab travel to Brazil to investigate possible trafficking sites while working alongside their Brazilian counterparts to expand an AI database designed to help authorities find illegal camps faster and more effectively.
Stanford Researchers Investigate Human Trafficking Alongside Brazilian Partners in the Amazon Rainforest
Stanford's Jessica Grembi collects water samples in Iraq.

Rosenkranz Prize Winners Focus on Child and Maternal Health

This year’s Rosenkranz Prize winners are both working to better understand preeclampsia in pregnancies and a form of childhood malnutrition in lower-resourced countries in an effort to find medical interventions.
Rosenkranz Prize Winners Focus on Child and Maternal Health