Bradley Efron

Bradley Efron

Bradley Efron, PhD

  • Max H. Stein Professor and Professor of Statistics and of Health Research and Policy
  • Stanford Health Policy Associate

Health Research and Policy
Sequoia 132
Stanford, California 94305-4065

(650) 723-2206 (voice)
(650) 725-8977 (fax)


Professor Efron is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, president of the American Statistical Association, recipient of the MacArthur Prize, and winner of the Wilks Medal of the American Statistical Association. Professor Efron is renowned internationally for his pioneering work in computationally intensive statistical methods that substitute computer power for mathematical formulas, particularly the bootstrap method. The goal of this research is to extend statistical methodology in ways that make analysis more realistic and applicable for complicated problems. He consults actively in the application of statistical analyses to a wide array of health care evaluations.


December 1993

Introduction to the Bootstrap, An

Introduction to the Bootstrap, An
Journal Articles
December 1991

Compliance as an Explanatory Variable in Clinical Trials with Comments and Rejoinder

Compliance as an Explanatory Variable in Clinical Trials with Comments and Rejoinder
Journal Articles
December 1990

Fisher's Information in Terms of the Hazard Rate

Fisher's Information in Terms of the Hazard Rate