Adrienne Sabety

Adrienne Sabety Photo

Adrienne Sabety, PhD

  • Assistant Professor, Health Policy
  • Faculty Fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research

Encina Commons,
615 Crothers Way, Office 188,
Stanford, California 94305-6006

(650)723-2727 (voice)


Adrienne Sabety, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Policy at the Stanford University School of Medicine. Sabety's research focuses on healthcare and social determinants of health. She received a BA in Economics from UC Berkeley and her PhD in Health Policy from Harvard University. 

In The News

Patients receiving injections

5 Questions with SHP's Adrienne Sabety on Health Care Access for Undocumented Immigrants

Adrienne Sabety is an assistant professor at Stanford Health Policy. Her work includes a large, 14-month study in collaboration with the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene in New York City targeting barriers to accessing health care for uninsured, undocumented immigrants. The Center for Innovation in Global Heath spoke with her about this work, and how undocumented immigrants—and society more broadly—benefit when access to primary, preventive care is expanded.
5 Questions with SHP's Adrienne Sabety on Health Care Access for Undocumented Immigrants