Stanford Health Policy Seminar: Anna Grummon
Stanford Health Policy Seminar: Anna Grummon
Friday, June 2, 202312:00 PM - 1:00 PM (Pacific)
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Hybrid Seminar: Lunch will be provided for on-campus participants.
Please register if you plan to attend, both for in-person and via Zoom.
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Encina Commons, Room 119
615 Crothers Way
Stanford, CA 94305

Anna H. Grummon is an assistant professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the Stanford School of Medicine. She is a behavioral scientist whose work seeks to identify and evaluate policies that encourage healthy eating and help us live long, healthy lives. In her work, Grummon uses randomized trials, quasi-experiments, and simulation modeling to examine how food policies like warning labels, beverage taxes, and food assistance programs affect what we eat and how healthy we are. She also studies strategies for encouraging people to choose foods that are more environmentally sustainable. Grummon holds a PhD and MSPH in Health Behavior from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and a BA with Honors in Human Biology from Stanford. She completed her postdoctoral training at Harvard.
Talk Title: Improving Diet Through Food Policy
Abstract: Unhealthy diet is a leading cause of death in the US. Policy changes could improve diet and help prevent the 500,000 deaths attributable to unhealthy diet in the US each year. This talk will provide evidence about the potential for three policies to improve diet: warning labels for sugary drinks, mandatory calorie disclosures on restaurant menus, and minimum price laws for sugary drinks. Using data from randomized controlled trials, quasi-experiments, and simulation models, we examine how these policies are likely to affect consumer behavior, the food supply, and population health outcomes like obesity.