Conversations in Global Health: Providing Healthcare in Conflict Zones with Dr. Tom Catena

Conversations in Global Health: Providing Healthcare in Conflict Zones with Dr. Tom Catena

Wednesday, February 6, 2019
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Braun Corner (Geology Corner), Room 105
450 Serra Mall, Stanford

Conversations in Global Health: Providing Healthcare in Conflict Zones
Dr. Tom Catena
Chair of the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative

Tom Catena, MD, is a surgeon, veteran, globally recognized humanitarian, and inaugural Chair of the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative. He founded the Mother of Mercy Hospital in Sudan's war-ravaged Nuba Mountains and has dedicated the last decade of his life to provide medical care in this conflict zone.

Stanford School of Medicine Senior Communications Strategist, Paul Costello, will interview Dr. Catena about how he operates in a low-resources, conflict setting to improve the well-being of the most vulnerable populations. We will also learn about his remarkable life journey that drove him to work in this area.

Following the Conversation, please join us for a screening of "The Heart of Nuba" (6:30pm), a film that tells the story of Dr. Catena's work in the Nuba Mountains.

RSVP here for the February 6 event.

Sponsored by:
Stanford Center for Innovation in Global Health

Co-Sponsored by:
Stanford WSH Handa Center for Human Rights & International Justice
Stanford Health Policy
The Global Health Student Council
The Organization for Global Health