2016 Fall Courses

2016 Fall Courses

Courses offered by Stanford Health Policy faculty


Health policy PhD core Seminar I--First Year (HRP 201A, MED 201A)
Corinna Haberland

Seminar series is the core tutorial for first-year Health Policy and Health Services Research graduate students. Major themes in fields of study including health insurance, healthcare financing and delivery, health systems and reform and disparities in the US and globally, health and economic development, health law and policy, resource allocation, efficiency and equity, healthcare quality, measurement and the efficacy and effectiveness of interventions. Blocks of session led by Stanford expert faculty in particular fields of study.

Introduction to Concepts and Methods in Health Services and Policy Research I (HRP 207)
Corinna Haberland

Primarily for medical students in the Health Services and Policy Research scholarly concentration. Topics include health economics, statistics, decision analysis, study design, quality measurement, cost benefit and effectiveness analysis, and evidence based guidelines.

Policy and Healthcare Delivery (HRP 243)
M. Kate Bundorf, Christina Lalani

This seminar course is intended to introduce students to the role of policy in the delivery of healthcare in the United States. In addition to speakers from the law school, SIEPR, HRP, and School of Medicine, we will be bringing in speakers from outside organizations such as the Pacific Business Group on Health, managed care organizations, and the Palo Alto Medical Foundation. There will be no assignments and lunch will be provided.

Topics in Health Economics I (HRP 249, ECON 249, MED 249)
David Chan, Maria Polyakova

Course will cover various topics in health economics, from theoretical and empirical perspectives. Topics will include public financing and public policy in health care and health insurance; demand and supply of health insurance and healthcare; physicians' incentives; patient decision-making; competition policy in healthcare markets, intellectual property in the context of pharmaceutical drugs and medical technology; other aspects of interaction between public and private sectors in healthcare and health insurance markets. Key emphasis on recent work and empirical methods and modelling. Prerequisites: Micro and Econometrics first year sequences (or equivalent).nCurricular prerequisites (if applicable): First year graduate Microeconomics and Econometrics sequences (or equivalent).

Analysis of Costs, Risks, and Benefits of Health (HRP 392, BIOMEDIN 432)
Eran Bendavid, Douglas Owens

(Same as MGTECON 332) For graduate students. How to do cost/benefit analysis when the output is difficult or impossible to measure. How do M.B.A. analytic tools apply in health services? Literature on the principles of cost/benefit analysis applied to health care. Critical review of actual studies. Emphasis is on the art of practical application.

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