PhD Curriculum and Requirements
Required Coursework by Track
For more information on individual courses go to

Sample Course Schedules
Final schedules to be discussed with, and approved by, the student's primary advisor. Possible schedule options could be:
| Decision Sciences (DS) Track
| Evaluative Methods (EM) Track
Q1 Fall
| ||
ECON 270
| ECON 270
| ECON 270
ECON 202
| GSBGEN 675
| GSBGEN 675
HRP 392
| HRP 392
| HRP 392
HRP 201A
| HRP 201A
| HRP 201A
HRP Graduate Research
| HRP Graduate Research
| HRP Graduate Research
Q2 Win
| ||
ECON 271
| ECON 271
| ECON 271
ECON 203
| HRP 263
| Content Area Course
HRP 391
| HRP 391
| HRP 391
HRP 201B
| HRP 201B
| HRP 201B
HRP Graduate Research
| HRP Graduate Research
| HRP Graduate Research
Q3 Spr
| ||
ECON 272
| HRP 252
| HRP 252
ECON 204
| Health Policy Course
| Content Area Course
HRP 252
| Health Policy Course
| Content Area Course
HRP 201C
| HRP 201C
| HRP 201C
HRP Graduate Research
| HRP Graduate Research
| HRP Graduate Research
MED 255
| MED 255
| MED 255
HRP 203
| HRP 203
| HRP203
Q4 Sum
| ||
HRP Graduate Research
| HRP Graduate Research
| HRP Graduate Research
Q5 Fall
| ||
Health Policy Course
| Health Policy Course
| Content Area Course
ECON Field Course
| DS Methods Course
| Methods Area Course
ECON Field Course
| DS Methods Course
| HRP 800
HRP 800
| HRP 800
| HRP Graduate Research
HRP Graduate Research
| HRP Graduate Research
Q6 Win
| ||
ECON Field Course
| DS Methods Course
| Methods Area Course
HRP 800
| HRP 800
| Methods Area Course
Health Policy Course
| HRP Graduate Research
| HRP 800
HRP Graduate Research
| HRP Graduate Research
| |
Q7 Spr
| ||
ECON Field Course
| Health Policy Course
| Methods Area Course
HRP 249
| DS Methods Course
| HRP 800
Health Policy Course
| HRP 800
| HRP Graduate Research
HRP 800
| HRP Graduate Research
HRP Graduate Research
Q8 and beyond
| ||
HRP Graduate Research
| HRP Graduate Research
| HRP Graduate Research
Degree Requirements and Milestones
For full details please see Stanford’s Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures (, the Stanford Bulletin ( and the Health Policy PhD Student Handbook.
The minimum number of units required for a Ph.D. degree at Stanford (satisfied both through coursework and research units) is 135.
First year:
- Completion of first-year coursework with a minimum grade of B- in all courses and an overall minimum GPA of 3.0 (equivalent to a grade of B)
- Completion of the Individual Development Plan (IDP) meeting with primary advisor within the first quarter
- Completion of CITI/HIPAA training and research ethics/responsible conduct of research (MED 255) course
- Regular meetings with primary advisor(s) (at least every other week is strongly recommended, more frequent meetings can be scheduled)
- Development and presentation of first-year research proposal (as part of the Spring Quarter Tutorial)
- Completion of progress assessment/milestone meeting with primary advisor (Spring Qtr)
- Taking and pass General Section written qualifying exam
Second Year:
- Completion of second-year coursework with a minimum grade of B- in all courses and an overall minimum GPA of 3.0 (equivalent to a grade of B)
- Completion of the Individual Development Plan (IDP) meeting with primary advisor within the first quarter
- Regular meetings with primary advisor(s) (at least every other week is strongly recommended, more frequent meetings can be scheduled)
- Maintenance of CITI/HIPAA training.
- Development of second-year research project (as part of Tutorial)
- Development and submission of funding/grant proposal (as part of Tutorial)
- Completion of progress assessment/milestone meeting with primary advisor (Spring Qtr)
- Taking and passing Track Specific written exam
- Submission, and approval by advisor, of the Second Year Paper
- Advancement to PhD Candidacy
- Presentation of second-year research project
Third Year:
- Completion of IDP meeting with primary advisor within the first quarter
- Regular meetings with primary advisor(s) (at least every other week is strongly recommended, more frequent meetings can be scheduled)
- Maintenance of CITI/HIPAA training
- Development of dissertation proposal
- Taking and passing the departmental PhD Oral Exam - dissertation proposal defense
- Completion of progress assessment/milestone meeting with primary advisor (Spring Qtr).
Fourth Year (& Beyond):
- Completion of IDP meeting with primary advisor within the first quarter.
- Regular meetings with primary advisor(s) (at least every other week is strongly recommended, more frequent meetings can be scheduled)
- Maintenance of CITI/HIPAA training
- Completion of progress assessment/milestone meeting with primary advisor (Spring Qtr)
- Completion of dissertation
- Final presentation of dissertation
Written Qualifying Exams:
- In order to advance to PhD Candidacy students must take and pass two written qualifying exams
- The first, given at the end of first year, will cover broader health policy concepts (such as ones covered in the first year Tutorial)
- The second, given at the end of second year, will cover track specific topics
- The exams will be evaluated and graded by core faculty
Oral Exam:
- In accordance with University policy (see: students must take and pass an Oral Examination as part of the PhD degree requirements
- The Oral Examination (colloquially known as “the proposal defense”) will be focused mainly on the student’s dissertation proposal - as well as examining feasibility and understanding of the dissertation proposal, it assesses the candidate’s command of the field of study
- Students are required to take the Oral Exam after passing their Written Qualifying Exam, and when the advisor believes that the student is ready.
PhD Dissertation:
- Students must present a PhD dissertation that is the result of independent investigation and that constitutes a contribution to knowledge in health services research and health policy
- Students must select a primary dissertation advisor and at least 2 additional faculty members, from the program's core faculty, to serve on the dissertation committee
- Presentation of a prospectus outlining the proposed research to the committee and approval by the committee - as part of the oral examination
- Submission of a final draft of the work signed by all members of the dissertation committee
- Final talk to present thesis work and findings