All FSI Projects

Increasing Physical Activity Among the Elderly: A Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of Pedometers


Dena M. Bravata
Principal Investigator
Ingram Olkin
Project Mentor

This study was the first to synthesize quantitatively the literature on the effectiveness of pedometers to change physical activity and health outcomes among the elderly.  Preliminary results were presented at the Stanford Prevention Research Center (March 2007) and at the Northern California regional Society for General Internal Medicine (SGIM) Meeting (March 2007), where it won the award for best presentation.  The project was also presented at the International SGIM Meeting in Toronto in April 2007 and received a great deal of media attention.  The results of this study were published in the November 2007 issue of JAMA, and Dr. Bravata was also featured as part of the “Author in the Room” series with a web cast on Dec. 19th, 2007.




Dena M. Bravata
