Free nicotine replacement therapy programs vs implementing smoke-free workplaces: a cost-effectiveness comparison
Free nicotine replacement therapy programs vs implementing smoke-free workplaces: a cost-effectiveness comparison
We compared the cost-effectiveness of a free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) program with a statewide smoke-free workplace policy in Minnesota. We conducted 1-year simulations of costs and benefits. The number of individuals who quit smoking and the quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) were the measures of benefits. After 1 year, a NRT program generated 18,500 quitters at a cost of 7020 dollars per quitter (4440 dollars per QALY), and a smoke-free workplace policy generated 10,400 quitters at a cost of 799 dollars per quitter (506 dollars per QALY). Smoke-free work-place policies are about 9 times more cost-effective per new nonsmoker than free NRT programs are. Smoke-free workplace policies should be a public health funding priority, even when the primary goal is to promote individual smoking cessation.