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Donald A. Barr
Journal Articles
Bending the Medicare Cost Curve for Physicians’ Services: Lessons Learned from Canada
Journal of General Internal Medicine,
The California Challenge: Ensuring Primary Care Access for Medi-Cal Recipients Under the Affordable Care Act
California Journal of Politics and Policy,
Introduction to U.S. Health Policy: The organization, financing, and delivery of health care in America.
Johns Hopkins University Press,
Journal Articles
Research Protocol to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Public-Private Partnerships as a Means to Improve Health and Welfare Systems Worldwide, A
American Journal of Public Health,
Journal Articles
Healthcare in the New Vietnam: Comparing patients' satisfaction with outpatient care in a traditional neighborhood clinic and a new, western-style clinic in Ho Chi Minh City
Social Science & Medicine,
Journal Articles
The practitioner's dilemma: can we use a patient's race to predict genetics, ancestry, and the expected outcomes of treatment?
Annals of Internal Medicine,
Journal Articles
Listening to Patients: Cultural and Linguistic Barriers to Health Care Access
Family Medicine,
Journal Articles
Race/Ethnicity and Patient Satisfaction: Using the Appropriate Method to Test for Perceived Differences in Care
Journal of General Internal Medicine,